Simplify API Versioning with OpenAPI

Learn how to simplify API versioning using OpenAPI. This comprehensive guide provides practical strategies to manage API versions effectively, ensuring compatibility and seamless integration. Discover best practices for versioning, version negotiation, and documentation, empowering you to build scalable and maintainable APIs.

API Versioning
API Breaking Changes
API Design
Backward Compatibility Policy
Published: 04/06/2024|By: Tole Ephen


In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play a pivotal role in enabling communication and integration between various systems and applications. As APIs become more sophisticated and cater to a wider range of users, the need for effective versioning mechanisms arises to ensure seamless compatibility and maintainability. OpenAPI, a powerful specification for describing and documenting APIs, offers a robust solution for simplifying API versioning, empowering developers to manage API changes efficiently and effectively.

Understanding API Versioning

API versioning refers to the practice of assigning different versions to APIs to manage changes and maintain compatibility over time. Effective versioning enables developers to introduce new features, fix bugs, or make breaking changes without disrupting existing clients. By clearly indicating the version of an API, consumers can choose the appropriate version based on their compatibility requirements.

Common Versioning Schemes

When it comes to API versioning, there are several common schemes that can be used in conjunction with the OpenAPI specification. Each approach has its own advantages and considerations, so it's important to choose the one that best fits your API's requirements and your organization's needs.

Semantic Versioning (SemVer)

One of the most widely adopted versioning schemes is Semantic Versioning (SemVer), which follows the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format. This approach clearly communicates the scope of changes between versions:

  • MAJOR versions indicate breaking changes that are not backward-compatible.
  • MINOR versions introduce new features in a backward-compatible manner.
  • PATCH versions include bug fixes or minor, non-breaking changes.

SemVer is the recommended versioning scheme for OpenAPI and is well-supported by tools like oasdiff, which can help you identify breaking changes between versions.

Date-based Versioning

Some organizations prefer to use a date-based versioning scheme, where the version number is derived from the release date of the API. This can be in the format of YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY.Q# (for quarters), or a similar convention.

Date-based versioning can be useful when the focus is on tracking changes over time rather than specific feature additions or breaking changes. In OpenAPI, you can specify the version in the info.version field, and tools like oasdiff can still be used to compare changes between versions.

Major-Minor Versioning

Another simpler approach is the major-minor versioning scheme, which only uses two version components: major and minor. This can be useful for APIs with less frequent breaking changes, where the focus is more on adding new features rather than managing compatibility.

In OpenAPI, you can represent major-minor versions using the info.version field, such as v1, v2, v3. While this approach may be easier to manage, it's important to have clear documentation and deprecation policies in place to guide your API consumers through version upgrades.

URL-based Versioning

Some organizations choose to include the API version in the URL path, such as /v1/resources and /v2/resources. This can help with visual identification of the API version and may be easier for consumers to understand.

In OpenAPI, you can represent URL-based versioning by specifying different base paths for each version of your API. This can be done using the servers field in your OpenAPI document.

  - url:
  - url:

Header-based Versioning

Alternatively, the API version can be specified in the request headers, rather than in the URL. This can be useful when you want to maintain a consistent URL structure across API versions.

In OpenAPI, you can document this approach by specifying the version in the info.version field and providing examples of the required header in your documentation.

  version: 2.0.0

When making requests to the API, the consumer would include a header like Accept: application/

Regardless of the versioning scheme you choose, it's important to document your approach clearly in your OpenAPI specification and provide comprehensive guidance to your API consumers.

Keeping Track of Changes with Changelogs

As your API evolves over time, it's crucial to have a clear and well-documented changelog to help your users understand what has changed between versions. With OpenAPI, you can leverage the versioning capabilities built into the specification to streamline this process.

Each time you make changes to your API, you should update the info.version field in your OpenAPI document to reflect the new version. This version number will be the primary way for your users to understand which changes have been made.

However, simply incrementing the version number is not enough. To provide meaningful information to your users, you should also maintain a detailed changelog that outlines the specific changes made in each version. This changelog can include information such as:

  • New features or endpoints added
  • Existing endpoints or parameters that have been modified
  • Endpoints or parameters that have been deprecated or removed
  • Bug fixes or performance improvements

By keeping a comprehensive changelog, you can ensure that your API users are always aware of the changes they need to be aware of when upgrading to a new version of your API.

Automating Changelog Generation with oasdiff

While maintaining a changelog manually can be tedious, there are tools available to help automate the process. One such tool is oasdiff, a command-line utility that compares two OpenAPI documents and generates a detailed changelog.

oasdiff can analyze the differences between two versions of your OpenAPI specification and generate a report that includes information about the changes made. This report can include details such as:

  • New, modified, or removed paths
  • New, modified, or removed parameters
  • Changes to request or response schemas
  • Changes to security requirements

By integrating oasdiff into your API development and deployment workflow, you can automatically generate a changelog that your users can reference when upgrading to a new version of your API. This can help to streamline the versioning process and ensure that your users are always informed about the changes they need to be aware of.

Leverage the OpenAPI info.version Field

Within your OpenAPI document, you can specify the current version of your API using the info.version field. This version number should align with the SemVer scheme you've chosen, making it easy for consumers to understand the changes between versions.

  title: My API
  version: 2.1.3

Use Version-Specific OpenAPI Documents

For each major version of your API, it's recommended to maintain a separate OpenAPI document. This approach allows you to clearly delineate changes between versions and provide version-specific documentation and tooling for your consumers.

You can also consider using version-specific paths, such as /v1/resources and /v2/resources, to further differentiate your API versions.

Automate API Comparisons with oasdiff

Manually tracking changes between API versions can be a tedious and error-prone process. To streamline this task, you can leverage the oasdiff tool, which is designed to compare OpenAPI documents and generate detailed changelogs.

oasdiff can analyze the differences between two versions of your OpenAPI specification and provide a report on new, modified, or removed paths, parameters, schemas, and security requirements. This can help you identify breaking changes and ensure a smooth transition for your API consumers.

Use the diff command to retrieve a list of changes:

$ oasdiff diff old-spec.yaml new-spec.yaml

Utilize the breaking command to obtain a list of API breaking changes, including severity:

$ oasdiff breaking old-spec.yaml new-spec.yaml

Provide Clear Backward Compatibility Policy

When introducing breaking changes or retiring older versions of your API, it's crucial to have a clear deprecation policy in place. Communicate deprecation timelines well in advance, give consumers ample time to migrate, and ensure that deprecated versions remain available for a reasonable period.

Consider using the deprecated field in your OpenAPI document to mark endpoints or parameters that are scheduled for removal. This will help to inform your consumers about the impending changes.

      deprecated: true
      description: This endpoint has been deprecated. Please use /v2/users instead.

Preserving API Backward Compatibility

One of the key principles of effective API versioning is maintaining backward compatibility. This means that when you introduce a new version of your API, you should ensure that existing functionality and integrations continue to work without breaking for your consumers.

Backward compatibility is particularly crucial for public-facing APIs, where abrupt changes can disrupt the applications and services that depend on your API. By preserving compatibility across versions, you can provide a smooth upgrade path for your API consumers and minimize the impact of changes.

Leveraging OpenAPI for Backward Compatibility

The OpenAPI specification provides several features to help you maintain backward compatibility as your API evolves.

Deprecation Handling: The OpenAPI deprecated field can be used to mark specific paths, parameters, or operations as deprecated, providing a clear signal to your consumers that a change is coming. You can include additional information, such as the intended replacement or a deprecation timeline, to help guide your consumers through the transition.

      deprecated: true
      description: This endpoint has been deprecated. Please use /v2/users instead.

Establishing a Backward Compatibility Policy

Here's an example of a backward compatibility policy:

  1. Semantic Versioning: We follow the Semantic Versioning (SemVer) standard for our API versioning. This means that:

    • MAJOR version changes may include breaking changes that are not backward-compatible.
    • MINOR version changes introduce new functionality in a backward-compatible manner.
    • PATCH version changes include bug fixes or minor, non-breaking changes.
  2. Deprecation Timeline: When deprecating an API endpoint or feature, we will provide a minimum of 6 months' notice before removing the deprecated functionality. During this time, we will continue to support the deprecated functionality, and consumers are encouraged to migrate to the newer version.

  3. Backward Compatibility Guarantee: We guarantee that MINOR and PATCH version changes will not introduce breaking changes. Consumers can safely upgrade to these versions without needing to modify their integrations.

  4. Documentation and Communication: All changes to our API, including deprecations and breaking changes, will be thoroughly documented in our OpenAPI specification and communicated to our API consumers through various channels, such as release notes, blog posts, and community forums.

By leveraging the features of OpenAPI and establishing a clear backward compatibility policy, you can provide a stable and reliable API ecosystem, ensuring a smooth experience for your API consumers as your API evolves over time.

Automatic SDK Generation

One of the significant advantages of utilizing OpenAPI specifications lies in its ability to automate SDK (Software Development Kit) generation for your API across multiple programming languages. By leveraging open-source tools like OpenAPI Generator, your API's versioning process becomes seamlessly integrated into SDK generation workflows. This means that with each version update of your API, corresponding SDKs are automatically updated, ensuring consistency and compatibility for developers.

This approach not only simplifies the consumption of your API but also establishes a clear link between versioning and SDK development. Developers can easily access the latest features and enhancements through updated SDKs, eliminating the need for manual intervention in version management. Ultimately, this enhances the overall developer experience, fostering smoother integration and adoption of your API across various platforms and ecosystems."


API versioning with OpenAPI empowers developers to manage changes effectively, maintain compatibility, and ensure smooth integration of APIs. By leveraging OpenAPI's capabilities, organizations can simplify API versioning, enhance documentation, and facilitate seamless communication between different systems and applications. Embracing OpenAPI for API versioning enables developers to focus on innovation and delivering value while ensuring a positive user experience for API consumers.